Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas is just about done....and it's not even December 1

So. last week Fred's parents were in town.

We never have company for the holidays and let me tell you that even with the stress of having extra people in the house, it was nice. It felt more festive. What are the holidays without complaints of in-laws sleeping in your bed?

But here is the cool thing:

It isn't even December 1st yet and guess what? The HOUSE IS DECORATED! Inside and out!

Our traditional Santa Countdown Chimney is up in the kitchen where it always is and we haven't even pulled a peg yet.

And not to gloat or anything, but all of the gifts I need to purchase and ship? It's already done.

Who knows, I may even get to bake cookies in advance and send out Christmas Cards before the week of Christmas!